kjg132 Welcome to the forum.
Yours is is a very fair and balanced view.
If I were a Christian it is how I would want to be.
i noticed some posters who used to argue along christian lines, but don't do so, anymore.
granted, it's a tough line to keep to on this forum.
i would be interested to hear (read) of people who came here as believers, and then transitioned to unbeliever, and the reasons for that.
kjg132 Welcome to the forum.
Yours is is a very fair and balanced view.
If I were a Christian it is how I would want to be.
i noticed some posters who used to argue along christian lines, but don't do so, anymore.
granted, it's a tough line to keep to on this forum.
i would be interested to hear (read) of people who came here as believers, and then transitioned to unbeliever, and the reasons for that.
Around 12 years ago I came here using my real name. I had left Jehovah's Witnesses 15 years before that. At the time I was undecided about Christianity and ‘God.’ I now realise that I do not believe in ‘God.’ I do not say ‘God’ does not exist as there are so many opinions on what ‘God’ is and I have no authority to objectively state that ‘God’ does not exist. I simply do not personally believe ‘God’ exists, which is a subjective view.
Some Christians believe that their belief in ‘God’ is objective because ‘God’ speaks to them. I do not doubt that they believe ‘God’ speaks to them but that can only ever be a subjective and personal experience. My apologies for the repetition of words but I wanted to be clear and avoid ambiguity.
i've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
You may very well think so but I couldn't possiblt comment. Insanity exists only in the mind.
i've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
It seems entirely possible that you are a wise man.
while acknowledging god as the most powerful force in the universe, i wonder if he is omnipotent.
this thought came to me as i watched an old star trek: tng, where everyone's favorite fictional omnipotent being, q, was featured.. .
if he is omnipotent, why could he not remove the "bitter cup" of suffering from christ in the garden?
Logically if God is everywhere than he is also nowhere, which could explain his absence.
i've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
Logic tells me that it is foolish to keep having the same discussion with believers and expect a different result or outcome.
i went to see it today - by myself (mr bee is on a golf junket).
i was glad that that i was by myself because i cried so much at the end, i wouldn't have wanted to be with anyone who wasn't crying - and that would not have been mr bee!.
les miserables the current film is adapted from what is considered one of the half-dozen greatest novels of the past 150 years and one of the longest novels ever written.
Saw Les Miserables in London once. We have booked to see the film at a local cinema at 1pm on 13th. I hear that Russell has nothing to Crowe about but shall reserve judgement before deciding if he should stick to playing a gladiator. If you require other information about my leisure activity just ask.
we all know that beth hell monitors this site.. they have repeatedly had sites shut down for quoting large portions of their litterature.
not this one.. do you think this board enables them to keep a finger on the pulse of what is going on in ex and aposto land?
Re: Why has the WT not tried to shut down this board?
The Watchtower Society has only one god.
We have many and Simon is top god.
just came across an interesting study.
during brain scans, when people were asked how they felt about something, the same part of the brain was active as when they were asked how god felt about something.
when asked how other people felt about something, however, a different part of the brain was at work.. specifically, the portion of the brain that was active when asking people how god felt about things was the portion of the brain associated with self-referential thinking.... people are literally making god up in their own image as they go.
Wow! All these people with voices in their head I feel more normal now.
This should be encouraged as it helps to develop communication between different parts of the brain. Some years ago I started keeping a detailed 'dream diary.' Doing this encouraged more dreams and greater detail. It didn’t make much sense at the time but when I looked through the diary a couple of years later I was able to see what my mind had been trying tell me.
It’s not that the mind predicts what will happen, it knows what our deepest feelings are and guides our actions and decisions to help us arrive where we need to be. We know much more than we think we know.
just came across an interesting study.
during brain scans, when people were asked how they felt about something, the same part of the brain was active as when they were asked how god felt about something.
when asked how other people felt about something, however, a different part of the brain was at work.. specifically, the portion of the brain that was active when asking people how god felt about things was the portion of the brain associated with self-referential thinking.... people are literally making god up in their own image as they go.
"Maybe you should seek professional help."
Don't want to. They would try to convince me that I'm not a gladiator.